Dear Anderson Mill Limited District Residents,
Beginning Monday
June 22nd El Salido Pool will have recreational swim with limited capacity. There will be 3 swim sessions each day:
10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm, and 4pm-6pm. The El Salido Pool will close inbetween each session and all patrons will be required to leave the facility so that staff can clean and disinfect. The limited capacity number will be annouced after the Board of Directors meeting on June 18th. Entry will be on a first come first serve basis and once the limited capacity threshhold has been met no more patrons will be aloud into the swim session unless another swimmer leaves. If a patron enters later in the swim session they wil still need to exit at the scheduled end of the swim session. The equipment inside the facitlity will also be limited. The showers will be closed. The diving boards will be closed. The Splash pool will be closed. Anderson Mill Limited District Board of Directors and all staff thank you for your understanding and patience during the closures. We will continue this schedule until further notice. Please know that Anderson Mill Limited District is working on a plan to adjust everyone's individual annual pool membership accordingly to make up for the time pools were closed.
Greg Williams District Manager